Site for exclusive use of members of corresponding overseas society
and co-sponsored society, and non-student-member making presentation in the Division 11 only
Lecture Application / Correction / Online Payment (Credit Card) / Cancellation / Abstract PDF Upload
- Those who are members of corresponding overseas society, co-sponsored society and non-student-member making presentation in the Division 11 could not use "My Page", and therefore, please make application procedures from this site.
- ※Non-members are not eligible to submit an abstract, so please complete the membership procedure first
at “JPS Membership” before making an abstract application.
- ※Except for special cases, only one person can apply as Presenter (Speaker) for one abstract submission.
(Please note that the number of applications differs from that of the Spring Meeting.)
- ※After the deadline for application of lectures, no modifications will be accepted aside from changing of speakers, cancellation of lectures, or moving/allocating of lectures. Please make any changes to co-author's name or affiliation, changes to the title, etc., by the application date and time (January 9th (14:00)).
- ※You will receive registered information by e-mail after the completion of submission.
Please be sure to confirm the E-mail message.
Please contact this e-mail, if you don't receive the confirmation e-mail within 24 hours.
The members of corresponding overseas society and co-sponsored society
Note 1:
The members of the societies concluding friendship agreement with JPS are treated as JPS members.
The agreement societies as follow:
The American Physical Society, The Institute of Physics, Italian Physical Society (SIF),
Australian Institute of Physics, Canadian Association of Physicists,
Korean Physical Society, The Physical Society of Taiwan, Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft,
Societe Francaise de Physique, The Polish Physical Society, The Physical Society of Hong Kong,
Mexican Physical Society, European Physical Society,
Note 2:
The members of the Biophysical Society of Japan and the Physics Education Society of Japan are treated as JPS members,
when they apply for presentation in the Division 12 (biophysical) and Division 13 (physics education).
Note 3:
Non-member of JPS can be a speaker in Division 11 if the following conditions of (a)-(c) is cleared simultaneously.
a)The applicant is a student and a member of either the Mechanical Engineers Society of Japan or
the Meteorological Society of Japan.
b)There is a co-author who is a JPS member.
c)Presentation fee of 5000yen should be paid in addition to the participation fee for non-member student .
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